WiX v3.10.3 update
This week's update on WiX v3.10.3 is that Sean volunteered to take over the v3.10.3 release, leaving me to sip piña coladas on the beach. (Just kidding—the beach is full of blinding and hot sunlight and piña-colada-dirtying sand.) Sean finished reviewing all the outstanding pull requests and the RC build of WiX v3.10.3 is now available. Please take a look, plug it into your build system, and help us verify v3.10.3 is ready to be released. Our tentative release date, per WiX tradition that is close to becoming policy, is 30-May, the American holiday of Memorial Day.
Issue triage
"ResolveWixReferences" task could not be loaded, from @sameera, affected WiX v3.10.3.2904, the first build after our move to .NET Foundation. Without mentioning who was responsible, I fixed this and the fix appears in the WiX v3.10.3.2917.
Create separate feed for minor releases of WiX, from @rseanhall, suggests a way of preventing release versions of WiX from recommending an update to a prerelease version in the same
minor release. It's only been a problem as we've done prerelease builds of WiX v3.10.x. As we're hopefully done with those, we took this enhancement into WiX v4.0 so we can avoid the problem in the future.MsiProperty doc should mention restrictions, from @barnson, is an enhancement to document the restricted
names. A kind Samaritan already submitted a pull request, which Rob merged.MsiProperty name restrictions aren't enforced, from @barnson, reports that the restricted
names aren't restricted by the toolset. As enforcing the restriction would be a breaking change, we decided to make the message a warning in WiX v3.x and an error in WiX v4.0.util:EventManifest should create references to files, from prolific issue-opener @barnson, suggests that
should create references to the file ids specified in its attributes, as is done in other elements that refer to files by their id. A pull request implementing this change is available and as it's a harmless improvement without compatibility concerns, we took this in WiX v3.x.Light: misleading error message when file LastWrittenDate is not supported, from @rokleM, reports that if you want to pretend a file you're shipping was last modified before MS-DOS 1.0 shipped, Light.exe fails because the .cab file format doesn't support dates before 1980. We took this in WiX v4.0 for someone to dig into the native interop code to prevent the exception crash.
Pull request review
Proving that even a couple of lines worth of pull request need to be reviewed, today's pull request is WIXBUG:4810 - Fix bug where mbapreq tried to do something other than HELP or INSTALL. It prevents an endless loop when using command-line switches to request an action other than installation for a bundle that needs to bootstrap .NET for a managed bootstrapper application.