Today's WiX Online Meeting is the last in 2018. Here's to another couple dozen more WiX Online Meetings in 2019!
Issue triage
VSExtension support VS 2019, from @chrpai, requests support and provides the code for Visual Studio 2019 preview in WixVSExtension. We decided to take this in WiX v4.0. While it's tempting to take changes like this in WiX v3.14, WiX v3.14 is not a typical v3.x release of WiX.
Temporary files directory cannot be created, from @andersfrisk77, turns out to be the same root issue as in issue 5859, where due to a change in the .NET Framework elevated processes cannot use
. Luckily, WiX v4.0 doesn't useTempFileCollection
, so it's not affected.Support Bal conditions for custom MBA, from @dbengle, requests support for launch conditions in managed bootstrapper applications like they're supported in WixStandardBootstrapperApplication. We took the issue in WiX v4.x.