FireGiant is pleased to announce that WiX v4 Preview 1 is available! We're even more pleased to announce the first preview of HeatWave Community Edition, FireGiant's extension for WiX v4 in Visual Studio 2019 and Visual Studio 2022.

WiX v4 is a major release of the WiX Toolset and contains some exciting new features like broad Arm64 support and a modern acquisition experience. You can read the release notes for an overview of what's new and changed.

HeatWave supports the WiX v4 acquisition experience with support for SDK-style projects and package references that acquire the WiX tooling from NuGet without needing to install anything. HeatWave also supports:

  • Conversion of WiX v3 projects and authoring
  • Building of WiX v4 SDK-style projects
  • Project references and WiX extension package references
  • Project and item templates
  • Property pages to control how the project builds

HeatWave Community Edition is available free of charge. Read more about it and download it here.

To hear about the ongoing work FireGiant is doing in HeatWave, follow us here on the FireGiant blog.