WiX v3.11 is proceeding apace. Rob has all the bugs and is yielding to peer pressure to get them fixed. We're still on track to release WiX v3.11 RTM on 5-May. The ship party will be held in our individual homes and offices.
The RC2 build of WiX v3.11 wasn't released last Tuesday as originally planned. It's now available with a number of bug fixes (some of which we discuss below). Please download the v3.11 RC2 build tools and Visual Studio Extension(s) and let us know if you WiX v3.11 is ready to go.
Happy Pi Day! Today, let us celebrate pi in all its delicious forms: pie, pizza, brie, bratwurst (cross sections count!), cake (in circular form), and, of course, ice cream in a round bowl.
Today was the Ten Dozenth online meeting! (Rob seemed to like the roundness of 120, so I thought I'd respect that, even though I prefer powers of two. Or hex.)