WiX v3 and v4 go out of community support soon. Stay secure with FireGiant.

FireGiant WiX v3 Additional Features Extension schema

Driver element

Installs and uninstalls kernel and file system drivers.


  • Component


  • DriverDependency: Ordered list of dependencies for the driver.


  • Id: Unique identifier for this driver configuration. This value will default to the Name attribute if not specified.
  • Name: Name to register with the service control manager.
  • DisplayName: The localizable string that user interface programs use to identify the driver.
  • Type:
    • kernel: A kernel driver.
    • fileSystem: A file system driver.
  • Start: Determines when the driver should be started.
    • auto: The driver will start during startup of the system.
    • demand: The driver will start when the service control manager calls the StartService function.
    • disabled: The driver can no longer be started.
    • boot: A device driver that will be started by the operating system boot loader.
    • system: A device driver that will be started by the IoInitSystem function.
  • ErrorControl: Determines what action should be taken on an error.
    • ignore: Logs the error and continues with the startup operation.
    • normal: Logs the error, displays a message box and continues the startup operation.
    • critical: The startup program logs the error in the event log, if possible. If the last-known-good configuration is being started, the startup operation fails. Otherwise, the system is restarted with the last-known good configuration.
    • severe: The startup program logs the error in the event log. If the last-known-good configuration is being started, the startup operation continues. Otherwise, the system is restarted with the last-known-good configuration.
  • LoadOrderGroup: The load ordering group that this driver should be a part of.
  • BinaryPath: A formatted property that resolves to the path of the driver binary.

DriverDependency element

Driver or load ordering group that must start before the parent driver.


  • Name: The value of this attribute should be one of the following: The name (not the display name) of a previously installed driver.The name of a load ordering group (in which case the Group attribute must be set to 'yes').
  • Group: Set to 'yes' to indicate that the value in the Name attribute is the name of a load ordering group.

Exclude element

Exclude files from a harvesting.


  • Files: Full path or wildcard of files to exclude from a harvesting. For example, to exclude all .pdb files from harvesting use: Files="***.pdb"

ExcludeRegistry element

Exclude specified registry keys found during self-reg harvesting.


  • Root: Root of the registry keys to excluded. The standard Windows Installer registry roots are supported: "HKCR", "HKCU", "HKMU", "HKLM"
  • Key: Full path or wildcard of registry keys to exclude from self-reg harvesting. For example, to exclude everything under a registry key from harvesting use: Key="SOFTWARE\FireGiant\Ignore**"
  • Name: Name or partial name with wildcard of registry values to exclude from a harvesting. If this attribute is not specified, the default is "*" which matches all registry value names in a key.

HarvestFile element

Harvest a file and exclude it from future harvesting.


  • Component


  • ExcludeRegistry: Exclude specified registry keys found during self-reg harvesting.


  • Source: File path to harvest relative to the harvesting document.
  • KeyIdentifier: Sets the File/@Id for the key harvested file.
  • SelfReg: Capture self-registration for executable files during harvesting. Self-reg is only attempted when the attribute is set to 'yes'. The default is 'no'.
  • SelfRegExtensions: Whitespace separated list of file extensions to capture self-registration. Ignored unless SelfReg attribute is 'yes'. Default set of extensions is: .exe, .com, .dll, .ocx, .tlb, .olb

HarvestFolder element

Harvest files from a folder.


  • Component


  • Exclude: Exclude files from the harvesting.
  • ExcludeRegistry: Exclude specified registry keys found during self-reg harvesting.


  • Source: Root of folder to harvest relative to the harvesting document. If no wildcards are specified all files under the root are harvested. If any wildcard is specified only files matching the wildcard are included. For example, "content*.dat" will include all .dat files from the "content" folder beside the .wxs file.
  • KeyIdentifier: Sets the File/@Id for the key harvested file.
  • SelfReg: Capture self-registration for executable files during harvesting. Self-reg is only attempted when the attribute is set to 'yes'. The default is 'no'.
  • SelfRegExtensions: Whitespace separated list of file extensions to capture self-registration. Ignored unless SelfReg attribute is 'yes'. Default set of extensions is: .exe, .com, .dll, .ocx, .tlb, .olb
  • Strategy: Harvest strategy to apply.

HarvestProject element

Harvest files from a project's output groups.


  • Component


  • Exclude: Exclude files from the harvesting.
  • ExcludeRegistry: Exclude specified registry keys found during self-reg harvesting.


  • Name: Name of the project to harvest as displayed by Visual Studio. Typically this is just the filename of the referenced project. The project must referenced by the setup project.
  • OutputGroup: Semicolon delimited list of project output groups to harvest. Common output groups include: BuiltProjectOutputGroup, BuiltProjectOutputGroupDependencies, DebugSymbolsProjectOutputGroup, DebugSymbolsProjectOutputGroupDependencies, DocumentationProjectOutputGroup, DocumentationProjectOutputGroupDependencies, SatelliteDllsProjectOutputGroup, SatelliteDllsProjectOutputGroupDependencies, SGenFilesOutputGroup, SGenFilesOutputGroupDependencies, SourceFilesProjectOutputGroup, and ContentFilesProjectOutputGroup
  • KeyIdentifier: Sets the File/@Id for the key harvested file.
  • SelfReg: Capture self-registration for executable files during harvesting. Self-reg is only attempted when the attribute is set to 'yes'. The default is 'no'.
  • SelfRegExtensions: Whitespace separated list of file extensions to capture self-registration. Ignored unless SelfReg attribute is 'yes'. Default set of extensions is: .exe, .com, .dll, .ocx, .tlb, .olb
  • Strategy: Harvest strategy to apply.

ProtectedService element

Configures a service as a protected service.


  • Component


  • Name: Name of the service. If specified, the ids of the user-defined custom actions required to unprotect the service will have this name appended. The name of the service as specified in the ServiceInstall element will be used when protecting the service so this attribute can be omitted if not needed to distinguish the unprotect custom actions for multiple services.
  • ElamFile: Id of driver file with ELAM certificate info.