WiX v3 and v4 go out of community support soon. Stay secure with FireGiant.
What secrets does your code hold?

What secrets does your code hold?

Our live code review services provide valuable insight into existing WiX-based deployments. Whether your company is troubleshooting problematic installers, expanding into new deployment scenarios, or simply trying to understand how the installer can work better, we'll roll up our sleeves and dig into your code with you.

How it works

  • We provide you with a questionnaire asking about your application, pain points, and general focus for the review.
  • You send back the questionnaire and setup packages, WiX source code, and custom action code you want reviewed.
  • We review what you sent then schedule the code review session.
  • We discuss our findings (and any other topics that come up) with your team during a two-hour code review session.
  • You get a recording of the code review session for your later reference.

Cost: $1,500


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